Install SpiderFoot on Ubuntu 20.04

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spiderfoot ubuntu 20.04

In this tutorial, you will learn how to install SpiderFoot on Ubuntu 20.04. SpiderFoot is a reconnaissance tool that automatically queries over 100 public data sources (OSINT) to gather intelligence on IP addresses, domain names, e-mail addresses, names and more. You simply specify the target you want to investigate, pick which modules to enable and then SpiderFoot will collect data to build up an understanding of all the entities and how they relate to each other.

Some of the common use cases of SpiderFoot include;

Installing SpiderFoot on Ubuntu 20.04


In order to install SpiderFoot, you need to install a few package dependencies.

Run System Update

Update and upgrade your system packages;

apt update
apt upgrade

Install Python 3 on Ubuntu 20.04

SpiderFoot is a Python based application and hence, it requires Python 3.6+ in order to run. Ubuntu 20.04 ships with Python 3 pre-installed. You can check installed version of Python3 by running the command below;

apt list -a python3
python3/focal,now 3.8.2-0ubuntu2 amd64 [installed]

As you can see, we have Python 3.8.2 which is fine.

Install Python 3 PIP

Run the command below to install Python 3 PIP;

apt install python3-pip

Install SpiderFoot

Download the stable latest release version of SipderFoot source code from Github repository, which is v3.2.1 as of this writing;

You can simply pull it and extract at the same using the command below;

curl -Ls | tar xz

If you check the current directory, you should see such a folder;


To install SpiderFoot including other package requirements, navigate to the directory above and run the installation as shown below;

cd spiderfoot-3.2.1
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Running SpiderFoot

Once the installation is done, SpiderFoot can be run in two modes;

  • Scan mode: Running SpiderFoot scans on command line with no web ui being started.
  • Web UI mode: Starts SpiderFoot with its built in web server to enable the management of scans and configs from the browser.

Running SpiderFoot on Scan mode

To run SpiderFoot in scan mode, use the command;

cd spiderfoot-3.2.1
python3 OPTION

To can list the available options by running the command;

python3 --help
usage: [-h] [-d] [-l IP:port] [-m mod1,mod2,...] [-M] [-s TARGET] [-t type1,type2,...] [-T] [-o tab|csv|json] [-H] [-n] [-r] [-S LENGTH] [-D DELIMITER] [-f]
             [-F type1,type2,...] [-x] [-q]

SpiderFoot 3.2.1: Open Source Intelligence Automation.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  -d, --debug         Enable debug output.
  -l IP:port          IP and port to listen on.
  -m mod1,mod2,...    Modules to enable.
  -M, --modules       List available modules.
  -s TARGET           Target for the scan.
  -t type1,type2,...  Event types to collect (modules selected automatically).
  -T, --types         List available event types.
  -o tab|csv|json     Output format. Tab is default. If using json, -q is enforced.
  -H                  Don't print field headers, just data.
  -n                  Strip newlines from data.
  -r                  Include the source data field in tab/csv output.
  -S LENGTH           Maximum data length to display. By default, all data is shown.
  -D DELIMITER        Delimiter to use for CSV output. Default is ,.
  -f                  Filter out other event types that weren't requested with -t.
  -F type1,type2,...  Show only a set of event types, comma-separated.
  -x                  STRICT MODE. Will only enable modules that can directly consume your target, and if -t was specified only those events will be consumed by modules.
                      This overrides -t and -m options.
  -q                  Disable logging. This will also hide errors!

The options are self explanatory.

Running SpiderFoot on Web UI mode

To be able to access and run SpiderFoot scans from the web interface, you can start SpiderFoot in web ui mode. For this, you need to specify the interface IP and port to access SpiderFoot with. Note, you can use any port as long no other application is using the same port.

cd spiderfoot-3.2.1
python3 -l

The above command enables SpiderFoot to be accessible from browser using the address,

Starting web server at ...

Warning: passwd file contains no passwords. Authentication disabled.

 Use SpiderFoot by starting your web browser of choice and 
 browse to

[19/Jan/2021:18:43:55] ENGINE Listening for SIGTERM.
[19/Jan/2021:18:43:55] ENGINE Listening for SIGHUP.
[19/Jan/2021:18:43:55] ENGINE Listening for SIGUSR1.
[19/Jan/2021:18:43:55] ENGINE Bus STARTING
[19/Jan/2021:18:43:55] ENGINE Serving on
[19/Jan/2021:18:43:55] ENGINE Bus STARTED

If firewall is running, open the port to allow external access.

ufw allow 8080/tcp
SpiderFoot scans

Enable SpiderFoot Basic Authentication

By default, SpiderFoot doesn’t implement any authentication to the Web UI and any can access the dashboard. To enable basic auth, enter a username and passwd to a file in the SpiderFoot directory in the format (still in plain text though);


You can simply echo the username and password to file;

echo "admin:password" > passwd

Restart SpiderFoot and verify the basic authentication;

python3 -l
python3 -l
Starting web server at ...
Enabling authentication based on supplied passwd file.

 Use SpiderFoot by starting your web browser of choice and 
 browse to

[19/Jan/2021:18:54:38] ENGINE Listening for SIGTERM.
[19/Jan/2021:18:54:38] ENGINE Listening for SIGHUP.
[19/Jan/2021:18:54:38] ENGINE Listening for SIGUSR1.
[19/Jan/2021:18:54:38] ENGINE Bus STARTING
[19/Jan/2021:18:54:38] ENGINE Serving on
[19/Jan/2021:18:54:38] ENGINE Bus STARTED

Navigate through the SpiderFoot web UI to perform your desired scans.

new SpiderFoot scan
SpiderFoot scan settings

That is it on how to install SpiderFoot. Feel free to explore this tool and utilize it as you wish

Reference and Further Reading

In order to further configure and setup SpiderFoot, please refer to its documentation page.

SpiderFoot Documentation

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I am the Co-founder of, Linux and the whole FOSS enthusiast, Linux System Admin and a Blue Teamer who loves to share technological tips and hacks with others as a way of sharing knowledge as: "In vain have you acquired knowledge if you have not imparted it to others".

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