Add Hosts to LibreNMS Server for Monitoring

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In this tutorial, you will learn how to add hosts to LibreNMS server for monitoring. LibreNMS is a fully featured MySQL/PHP and SNMP based network monitoring system.

Add Hosts to LibreNMS Server for Monitoring

If you haven’t installed LibreNMS server, you can check our guides on how to install and setup LibreNMS server.

Once you have LibreNMS server up and running, proceed to add hosts for monitoring.

Install SNMP on Hosts to Monitor

Before you can add hosts to LibreNMS server, you need to install and configure SNMP on the remote hosts to monitor.

You can use SNMP v3 or SNMP v2c as you so wish.

See sample guides on how to configure SNMP v2c and SNMP v3 on various hosts;

Install and Configure SNMP on Ubuntu 22.04/Debian 11

Install and Configure SNMP on Rocky Linux 8

There are two ways in which you can add hosts to LibreNMS server.

  1. Add hosts to LibreNMS server via Web UI
  2. Add hosts to LibreNMS server via CLI

Add hosts to LibreNMS server via Web UI

  • To begin with, ensure you can ping the host from the LibreNMS server.
fping is alive
  • Next, login to LibreNMS web interface and navigate to Devices > Add Device.
Add Hosts to LibreNMS Server for Monitoring
  • Next;
    • specify the hostname/IP of the remote host,
    • SNMP: ON
      • Turn it off if you just want to check aliveness of the host via ping. Also if the host doesn’t support SNMP.
    • SNMP version, port and protocol.
    • Port Association mode: We will leave the default: IfIndex.
    • Configure specific SNMP version details.

LibreNMS hosts/devices using SNMP v2c sample configuration details;

Add Hosts to LibreNMS Server for Monitoring

LibreNMS hosts/devices using SNMP v3 sample configuration details;

Add Hosts to LibreNMS Server for Monitoring

You can check how to configure SNMP v3.

Click Add Device once done with settings configuration.

Add Hosts to LibreNMS Server for Monitoring

If all is well, the host will be added to LibreNMS server.

You can click on the host link to check host details;

Add Hosts to LibreNMS Server for Monitoring

To list all the devices, you can navigate to Devices > All Devices > Servers.

Add Hosts to LibreNMS Server for Monitoring

Add Host via Command Line

To add hosts via the command line, login to LibreNMS via SSH.

  • Switch to librenms user;
sudo su - librenms
  • Run the ./lnms device:add command to add the hosts to LibreNMS server.

You can see how to use this command by reading the help page.

./lnms device:add --help

  Add a new device

  device:add [options] [--] 

  device spec                                        Hostname or IP to add

  -1, --v1                                           Use SNMP v1
  -2, --v2c                                          Use SNMP v2c
  -3, --v3                                           Use SNMP v3
  -c, --community=COMMUNITY                          SNMP v1 or v2 community
  -r, --port=PORT                                    SNMP transport port [default: 161]
  -t, --transport=TRANSPORT                          Transport to connect to the device [udp, udp6, tcp, tcp6] [default: "udp"]
  -d, --display-name=DISPLAY-NAME                    A string to display as the name of this device, defaults to hostname.
                                                     May be a simple template using replacements: {{ $hostname }}, {{ $sysName }}, {{ $sysName_fallback }}, {{ $ip }}
  -u, --security-name=SECURITY-NAME                  SNMPv3 security username [default: "root"]
  -A, --auth-password=AUTH-PASSWORD                  SNMPv3 authentication password
  -a, --auth-protocol=AUTH-PROTOCOL                  SNMPv3 authentication protocol [SHA, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, MD5] [default: "MD5"]
  -X, --privacy-password=PRIVACY-PASSWORD            SNMPv3 privacy password
  -x, --privacy-protocol=PRIVACY-PROTOCOL            SNMPv3 privacy protocol [AES, AES-192, AES-256, AES-256-C, DES] [default: "AES"]
  -f, --force                                        Just add the device, do not make any safety checks
  -b, --ping-fallback                                Add the device as ping only if it does not respond to SNMP
  -g, --poller-group=POLLER-GROUP                    commands.device:add.options.poller-group [default: 0]
  -p, --port-association-mode=PORT-ASSOCIATION-MODE  Sets how ports are mapped. ifName is suggested for Linux/Unix [ifIndex, ifName, ifDescr, ifAlias] [default: "ifIndex"]
  -P, --ping-only                                    Add a ping only device
  -o, --os=OS                                        Ping only: specify OS
  -w, --hardware=HARDWARE                            Ping only: specify hardware
  -s, --sysName=SYSNAME                              Ping only: specify sysName
  -h, --help                                         Display help for the given command. When no command is given display help for the list command
  -q, --quiet                                        Do not output any message
  -V, --version                                      Display this application version
      --ansi|--no-ansi                               Force (or disable --no-ansi) ANSI output
  -n, --no-interaction                               Do not ask any interactive question
      --env[=ENV]                                    The environment the command should run under
  -v|vv|vvv, --verbose                               Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug
  • Add SNMP v2c Host via Command Line

If your host is using SNMP v2c, then run the command below to add it to LibreNMS server. Replace the string and the IP address accordingly.

./lnms device:add -2 -c Ex@mPL3 -r 161 -t udp

Sample output;

Added device (4)

You can remove the device using ./lnms device:remove.

./lnms device:remove --help

You can remove the device using ./lnms device:rename.

./lnms device:rename --help
  • Add SNMP v2 Host via Command Line

To add SNMP v3 host via command line, run the command below;

./lnms device:add -3 -u snmpadmin -A STrP@SSWRD -a SHA -X STr0ngP@SSWRD -x AES -r 161 -t udp

Replace the username, authentication password/protocol, privacy password/protocol, host IP accordingly.

You can then go back to the dashboard to view collected details about your hosts.

Sample memory health status.

Add Hosts to LibreNMS Server for Monitoring

You can also add the dashboard for various events under Overview > Dashboards.

That marks the end of our tutorial on how to monitor remote hosts with LibreNMS server.


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I am the Co-founder of, Linux and the whole FOSS enthusiast, Linux System Admin and a Blue Teamer who loves to share technological tips and hacks with others as a way of sharing knowledge as: "In vain have you acquired knowledge if you have not imparted it to others".

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