Install Sensu Go on Debian 11

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Follow through this tutorial to learn how to install Sensu Go on Debian 11. Sensu is an opensource infrastructure and application monitoring tool.

Install Sensu Go on Debian 11

  • Minimum System Hardware Requirements

Before you can proceed, check the recommended system hardware requirements.

  • Deployment Architecture

There are different deployment architectures for Sensu Go. We will use standalone deployment in this guide.

  • Install Sensu Go on Debian;

Sensu Go works in a client-server architecture with the Sensu Backend serving as the server while Sensu agent serving as the client.

According to Sensu component reference page;

Sensu Backend is a service that manages check requests and observability data. Every Sensu backend includes an integrated structure for scheduling checks using subscriptions, an event processing pipeline that applies event filters, mutators, and handlers, an embedded etcd datastore for storing configuration and state, and the Sensu API, Sensu web UI, and sensuctl command line tool.

The Sensu agent is a lightweight client that runs on the infrastructure components you want to monitor. Agents register with the Sensu backend as monitoring entities with type: "agent". Agent entities are responsible for creating check and metrics events to send to the backend event pipeline.

Install Sensu Go Backend on Debian 11

Install Sensu Go APT repositories on Debian 11;

sudo apt install curl -y
curl -s | sudo bash

Install Sensu Go backend;

sudo apt install sensu-go-backend

Install Sensu Go Command Line tool;

Run the command below to install Sensu Go command line tool that helps you to control Sensu Go resources.

sudo apt install sensu-go-cli

The binary that sensu-go-cli installs is called sensuctl.

Configure and Start Sensu Go Backend on Debian 11

You can start Sensu and run it on the foreground or run it as a service.

To run it on the foreground, just execute the command below;

sudo -u sensu sensu-backend start

Press Ctrl+c to stop.

You can learn about the usage of the command sensu-backend from the help page.

sensu-backend --help

To run Sensu as a service, download the sample configuration by running the command below;

curl -sL -o /etc/sensu/backend.yml

The sample configuration is highly commented;

cat /etc/sensu/backend.yml
# Sensu backend configuration

# backend configuration
#  example_key: "example value"
#  example/key: "example value"
#assets-burst-limit: 100
#assets-rate-limit: 1.39
#agent-rate-limit: 100
#cache-dir: "/var/cache/sensu/sensu-backend"
#config-file: "/etc/sensu/backend.yml"
#debug: false
#deregistration-handler: "example_handler"
log-level: "debug" #available log levels: panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace
#state-dir: "/var/lib/sensu/sensu-backend"
#require-fips: false
#require-openssl: false
#eventd-buffer-size: 100
#eventd-workers: 100
#keepalived-buffer-size: 100
#keepalived-workers: 100
#pipelined-buffer-size: 100
#pipelined-workers: 100

# api configuration
#api-listen-address: "[::]:8080" #listen on all IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
#api-request-limit: 512000
#api-url: "http://localhost:8080"

# tls configuration
#agent-auth-cert-file: /path/to/tls/backend-1.pem
#agent-auth-crl-urls: http://localhost/CARoot.crl
#agent-auth-key-file: /path/to/tls/backend-1-key.pem
#agent-auth-trusted-ca-file: /path/to/tls/ca.pem
#agent-burst-limit: null
#agent-host: "[::]" #listen on all IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
#agent-port: 8081
#agent-rate-limit: null
#cert-file: "/path/to/tls/backend-1.pem"
#insecure-skip-tls-verify: false
#jwt-private-key-file: /path/to/key/private.pem
#jwt-public-key-file: /path/to/key/public.pem
#key-file: "/path/to/tls/backend-1-key.pem"
#trusted-ca-file: "/path/to/tls/ca.pem"
#dashboard-cert-file: "/path/to/tls/separate-webui-cert.pem"
#dashboard-host: "[::]"
#dashboard-key-file: "/path/to/tls/separate-webui-key.pem"
#dashboard-port: 3000

# etcd datastore configuration
#  - http://localhost:2378
#  - http://localhost:2379
#etcd-cert-file: "/path/to/tls/backend-1.pem"
#etcd-client-cert-auth: false
#  -
#  -
#  -
#  -
#  -
#  -
#etcd-initial-cluster: "backend-0=,backend-1=,backend-2="
#etcd-initial-cluster-state: "new"
#etcd-initial-cluster-token: "unique_token_for_this_cluster"
#etcd-key-file: "/path/to/tls/backend-1-key.pem"
#  -
#  -
#  -
#  -
#etcd-name: "backend-0"
#etcd-peer-cert-file: "/path/to/tls/backend-1.pem"
#etcd-peer-client-cert-auth: false
#etcd-peer-key-file: "/path/to/tls/backend-1-key.pem"
#etcd-peer-trusted-ca-file: "./ca.pem"
#etcd-trusted-ca-file: "./ca.pem"
#no-embed-etcd: false
#etcd-election-timeout: 3000
#etcd-heartbeat-interval: 300
#etcd-max-request-bytes: 1572864
#etcd-quota-backend-bytes: 4294967296

You can then start and enable Sensu Go backend to run on system boot with the default configuration settings;

sudo systemctl enable --now sensu-backend

Check the status of the Sensu Go backend command;

systemctl status sensu-backend

Sample output;

● sensu-backend.service - The Sensu Backend service.
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/sensu-backend.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Fri 2022-05-06 22:26:58 EAT; 8s ago
   Main PID: 3462 (sensu-backend)
      Tasks: 8 (limit: 1133)
     Memory: 30.8M
        CPU: 358ms
     CGroup: /system.slice/sensu-backend.service
             └─3462 /usr/sbin/sensu-backend start -c /etc/sensu/backend.yml

May 06 22:27:04 debian11 sensu-backend[3462]: {"component":"tessend","key":"a8e65cb0-0a5f-41da-84d0-8c73cdef80c1","level":"debug","msg":"added a key to the ring","time":"2>
May 06 22:27:04 debian11 sensu-backend[3462]: {"component":"tessend","level":"debug","metric_name":"backend_count","metric_value":1,"msg":"collected a metric for tessen",">
May 06 22:27:04 debian11 sensu-backend[3462]: {"component":"tessend","level":"debug","metric_name":"entity_class_backend_count","metric_value":1,"msg":"collected a metric >
May 06 22:27:04 debian11 sensu-backend[3462]: {"component":"etcd","level":"debug","caller":"v3rpc/interceptor.go:182","msg":"request stats","start time":"2022-05-06T22:27:>
May 06 22:27:04 debian11 sensu-backend[3462]: {"component":"etcd","level":"debug","caller":"v3rpc/interceptor.go:182","msg":"request stats","start time":"2022-05-06T22:27:>
May 06 22:27:04 debian11 sensu-backend[3462]: {"component":"tessend","level":"debug","msg":"added a backend to tessen","time":"2022-05-06T22:27:04+03:00","values":["a8e65c>
May 06 22:27:04 debian11 sensu-backend[3462]: {"component":"etcd","level":"debug","caller":"v3rpc/interceptor.go:182","msg":"request stats","start time":"2022-05-06T22:27:>
May 06 22:27:04 debian11 sensu-backend[3462]: {"component":"etcd","level":"debug","caller":"v3rpc/interceptor.go:182","msg":"request stats","start time":"2022-05-06T22:27:>
May 06 22:27:05 debian11 sensu-backend[3462]: {"component":"etcd","level":"debug","caller":"v3rpc/interceptor.go:182","msg":"request stats","start time":"2022-05-06T22:27:>
May 06 22:27:06 debian11 sensu-backend[3462]: {"component":"etcd","level":"debug","caller":"v3rpc/interceptor.go:182","msg":"request stats","start time":"2022-05-06T22:27

Create Sensu Administrator Account

Next, run the Sensu initialization command (sensu-backend init) below to create Sensu administrator account username and password.

The basic usage of the sensu-backend init command can be checked on the help information;

sensu-backend init --help
initialize a new sensu installation

  sensu-backend init [flags]

General Flags:
      --cluster-admin-api-key string    cluster admin API key
      --cluster-admin-password string   cluster admin password
      --cluster-admin-username string   cluster admin username
  -c, --config-file string              path to sensu-backend config file (default "/etc/sensu/backend.yml")
  -h, --help                            help for init
      --ignore-already-initialized      exit 0 if the cluster has already been initialized
      --interactive                     interactive mode
      --timeout string                  duration to wait before a connection attempt to etcd is considered failed (must be >= 1s) (default "5s")
      --wait                            continuously retry to establish a connection to etcd until it is successful

Store Flags:
      --etcd-advertise-client-urls strings   list of this member's client URLs to advertise to clients (default [http://localhost:2379])
      --etcd-cert-file string                path to the client server TLS cert file
      --etcd-cipher-suites strings           list of ciphers to use for etcd TLS configuration
      --etcd-client-cert-auth                enable client cert authentication
      --etcd-client-log-level string         etcd client logging level [panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug] (default "error")
      --etcd-client-urls string              client URLs to use when operating as an etcd client
      --etcd-key-file string                 path to the client server TLS key file
      --etcd-max-request-bytes uint          maximum etcd request size in bytes (use with caution) (default 1572864)
      --etcd-trusted-ca-file string          path to the client server TLS trusted CA cert file

Thus, to create Sensu admin account username and password, you have to pass the following options to the sensu-backend init command.

--cluster-admin-username <username> --cluster-admin-password <password>

You can also use the following variables for both username and password respectively;


For example, to create the account using the variables, first disable bash history;

set +o history

Set the username/password variables;


Initialize Sensu instance

sensu-backend init

Sample output;

{"component":"cmd","level":"info","msg":"attempting to connect to etcd server: http://localhost:2379","time":"2022-05-06T22:38:13+03:00"}
{"component":"backend.seeds","level":"info","msg":"seeding etcd store with initial data","time":"2022-05-06T22:38:14+03:00"}
{"component":"store","level":"warning","msg":"migrating etcd database to a new version","time":"2022-05-06T22:38:15+03:00"}
{"component":"store","database_version":1,"level":"info","msg":"successfully upgraded database","time":"2022-05-06T22:38:15+03:00"}
{"component":"store","database_version":2,"level":"info","msg":"successfully upgraded database","time":"2022-05-06T22:38:16+03:00"}
{"component":"store","level":"warning","msg":"migrating enterprise etcd database to a new version","time":"2022-05-06T22:38:16+03:00"}
{"component":"store","database_version":1,"level":"info","msg":"successfully upgraded database","time":"2022-05-06T22:38:16+03:00"}
{"component":"store","database_version":2,"level":"info","msg":"successfully upgraded database","time":"2022-05-06T22:38:17+03:00"}

Enable the bash history;

set -o history

You can always verify the user credentials or reset the user password using the sensuctl command.

Before you can use Sensu CLI command, you need to initialize sensuctl configuration

sensuctl configure

Go through the prompts accordingly.

Sample output;

? Authentication method: username/password
? Sensu Backend API URL:
? Namespace: default
? Preferred output format: tabular
? Username: sensuadmin
? Password: ********

You can also run the command in non-interactive mode;

sensuctl configure -n \
--username 'YOUR_USERNAME' \
--password 'YOUR_PASSWORD' \
--namespace default \
--url ''

Change admin password;

sensuctl user change-password --interactive

Reset user’s forgotten password;

sensuctl user reset-password USERNAME --interactive

Accessing Sensu Go Web UI

The Sensu Go web UI service listens on port 3000/tcp by default.

sudo ss -altnp | grep sensu
LISTEN 0      4096*    users:(("sensu-backend",pid=3462,fd=8)) 
LISTEN 0      4096*    users:(("sensu-backend",pid=3462,fd=7)) 
LISTEN 0      4096               *:8080            *:*    users:(("sensu-backend",pid=3462,fd=18))
LISTEN 0      4096               *:8081            *:*    users:(("sensu-backend",pid=3462,fd=19))
LISTEN 0      4096               *:3000            *:*    users:(("sensu-backend",pid=3462,fd=20))

If the Firewall is running, open this port to allow external access.

sudo ufw allow 3000/tcp

The access your Sensu Go Web UI using the address http://server-address-or-IP:3000.

install Sensu Go on Debian 11

Login using the credentials created above.

Sensu Dashboard

install Sensu Go on Debian 11

And that is all.

In our next guide, we will learn how to install Sensu agents and start monitoring your end points.

Install Sensu Agent on Ubuntu/Debian

Install Sensu Agent on Windows systems


Install Sensu

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I am the Co-founder of, Linux and the whole FOSS enthusiast, Linux System Admin and a Blue Teamer who loves to share technological tips and hacks with others as a way of sharing knowledge as: "In vain have you acquired knowledge if you have not imparted it to others".

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