nagios rocky

Install Nagios Plugins on Rocky Linux 8

This guide will walk you through how to install Nagios Plugins on Rocky Linux 8. Nagios plugins are standalone extensions to Nagios Core that enables Nagios to


Install OSSEC Agent on Rocky Linux 8

This guide presents a step-by-step tutorial on how to install OSSEC Agent on Rocky Linux 8. OSSEC is an Open Source Host based Intrusion Detection System that


Install Prometheus on Rocky Linux 8

Welcome to our guide on how to install Prometheus on Rocky Linux 8. Prometheus is an  open-source time series collection and processing monitoring system with a dimensional data


Install ELK Stack on Rocky Linux 8

Welcome to our demo on how to install ELK Stack on Rocky Linux 8. ELK is the acronym for three open source projects: Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana. Elasticsearch

Install phpMyAdmin on Rocky Linux 8

Install phpMyAdmin on Rocky Linux 8

Follow through this tutorial to learn how to install phpMyAdmin on Rocky Linux 8. phpMyAdmin is a free and opensource application written in PHP that facilitates