Add FreeIPA User Accounts via CLI or Web Interface

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In this guide will take you through how to add FreeIPA user accounts via CLI or Web interface. Our previous guide, link provided a stepwise tutorial on how to install and setup FreeIPA server.

First install and Setup FreeIPA server by following the links below;

Install and Setup FreeIPA Server

Add User Accounts to FreeIPA Server

There are two ways in which FreeIPA user accounts can be created:

  • Via command line interface
  • Via the FreeIPA web user interface.

Add FreeIPA User Accounts via CLI

FreeIPA user accounts can be created via the command line using the ipa user-add command.

ip user-add --help
Usage: ipa [global-options] user-add LOGIN [options]

Add a new user.
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --first=STR           First name
  --last=STR            Last name
  --cn=STR              Full name
  --displayname=STR     Display name
  --initials=STR        Initials
  --homedir=STR         Home directory
  --gecos=STR           GECOS
  --shell=STR           Login shell
                        Principal alias
                        Kerberos principal expiration
                        User password expiration
  --email=STR           Email address
  --password            Prompt to set the user password
  --random              Generate a random user password
  --uid=INT             User ID Number (system will assign one if not
  --gidnumber=INT       Group ID Number
  --street=STR          Street address
  --city=STR            City
  --state=STR           State/Province
  --postalcode=STR      ZIP
  --phone=STR           Telephone Number
  --mobile=STR          Mobile Telephone Number
  --pager=STR           Pager Number
  --fax=STR             Fax Number
  --orgunit=STR         Org. Unit
  --title=STR           Job Title
  --manager=STR         Manager
  --carlicense=STR      Car License
  --sshpubkey=STR       SSH public key
  --user-auth-type=['password', 'radius', 'otp', 'pkinit', 'hardened', 'idp', 'passkey']
                        Types of supported user authentication
  --class=STR           User category (semantics placed on this attribute are
                        for local interpretation)
  --radius=STR          RADIUS proxy configuration
                        RADIUS proxy username
  --idp=STR             External IdP configuration
  --idp-user-id=STR     A string that identifies the user at external IdP
                        Department Number
  --employeenumber=STR  Employee Number
  --employeetype=STR    Employee Type
                        Preferred Language
                        Base-64 encoded user certificate
  --setattr=STR         Set an attribute to a name/value pair. Format is
                        attr=value. For multi-valued attributes, the command
                        replaces the values already present.
  --addattr=STR         Add an attribute/value pair. Format is attr=value. The
                        attribute must be part of the schema.
  --noprivate           Don't create user private group
  --all                 Retrieve and print all attributes from the server.
                        Affects command output.
  --raw                 Print entries as stored on the server. Only affects
                        output format.
  --no-members          Suppress processing of membership attributes.

The command can be run interactively or non-interactively by entering the attributes interactively or by passing the attributes directly on the command line respectively.

For example, to create a user called bsmith on the command line using the ipa user-add non-interactively.

ipa user-add bsmith --first=Bill --last=Smith --random

The command will create the user account with other account default values.

Added user "bsmith"
  User login: bsmith
  First name: Bill
  Last name: Smith
  Full name: Bill Smith
  Display name: Bill Smith
  Initials: BS
  Home directory: /home/bsmith
  GECOS: Bill Smith
  Login shell: /bin/sh
  Principal name: [email protected]
  Principal alias: [email protected]
  User password expiration: 20240504072504Z
  Email address: [email protected]
  Random password: 3Wp<[email protected]~j3Ebmq_,_
  UID: 1152000004
  GID: 1152000004
  Password: True
  Member of groups: ipausers
  Kerberos keys available: True

To interactively create a FreeIPA user account using the ipa user-add command, simply run the command on the terminal as shown below;

ipa user-add --password

When run, you are prompted to provide the required values. Where the default values can be used, press Enter to accept the defaults or enter your values and proceed.

First name: Bonnie
Last name: Parker
User login [bparker]: 
Enter Password again to verify: 
Added user "bparker"
  User login: bparker
  First name: Bonnie
  Last name: Parker
  Full name: Bonnie Parker
  Display name: Bonnie Parker
  Initials: BP
  Home directory: /home/bparker
  GECOS: Bonnie Parker
  Login shell: /bin/sh
  Principal name: [email protected]
  Principal alias: [email protected]
  User password expiration: 20240504072646Z
  Email address: [email protected]
  UID: 1152000005
  GID: 1152000005
  Password: True
  Member of groups: ipausers
  Kerberos keys available: True

Password provided during account setup is temporary and the user is prompted to change the password on the first login.

Read more on, ipa user-add --help.

List FreeIPA User Accounts on Command Line

You can list FreeIPA user accounts using the ipa user-find command.

To list all created FreeIPA user accounts, simply run the command;

ipa user-find --all
3 users matched
  dn: uid=admin,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=kifarunix,dc=com
  User login: admin
  Last name: Administrator
  Full name: Administrator
  Home directory: /home/admin
  GECOS: Administrator
  Login shell: /bin/bash
  Principal alias: [email protected], [email protected]
  User password expiration: 20240802064123Z
  UID: 1152000000
  GID: 1152000000
  Account disabled: False
  Preserved user: False
  Member of groups: admins, trust admins
  ipantsecurityidentifier: S-1-5-21-4293870940-1827731141-612974734-500
  ipauniqueid: d8dbfdea-09e0-11ef-9c0d-525400088c21
  krbextradata: AAKT2DVmcm9vdC9hZG1pbkBLSUZBUlVOSVguQ09NAA==
  krblastadminunlock: 20240504064123Z
  krblastfailedauth: 20240504065202Z
  krblastpwdchange: 20240504064123Z
  krbloginfailedcount: 0
  objectclass: top, person, posixaccount, krbprincipalaux, krbticketpolicyaux, inetuser, ipaobject, ipasshuser, ipaSshGroupOfPubKeys, ipaNTUserAttrs

  dn: uid=bparker,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=kifarunix,dc=com
  User login: bparker
  First name: Bonnie
  Last name: Parker
  Full name: Bonnie Parker
  Display name: Bonnie Parker
  Initials: BP
  Home directory: /home/bparker
  GECOS: Bonnie Parker
  Login shell: /bin/sh
  Principal name: [email protected]
  Principal alias: [email protected]
  User password expiration: 20240504072646Z
  Email address: [email protected]
  UID: 1152000005
  GID: 1152000005
  Account disabled: False
  Preserved user: False
  Member of groups: ipausers
  ipantsecurityidentifier: S-1-5-21-4293870940-1827731141-612974734-1005
  ipauniqueid: aa9f4944-09e7-11ef-8ba4-525400088c21
  krbextradata: AAI24zVmcm9vdC9hZG1pbkBLSUZBUlVOSVguQ09NAA==
  krblastpwdchange: 20240504072646Z
  mepmanagedentry: cn=bparker,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=kifarunix,dc=com
  objectclass: top, person, organizationalperson, inetorgperson, inetuser, posixaccount, krbprincipalaux, krbticketpolicyaux, ipaobject, ipasshuser,
               ipaSshGroupOfPubKeys, mepOriginEntry, ipantuserattrs

  dn: uid=bsmith,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=kifarunix,dc=com
  User login: bsmith
  First name: Bill
  Last name: Smith
  Full name: Bill Smith
  Display name: Bill Smith
  Initials: BS
  Home directory: /home/bsmith
  GECOS: Bill Smith
  Login shell: /bin/sh
  Principal name: [email protected]
  Principal alias: [email protected]
  User password expiration: 20240504072504Z
  Email address: [email protected]
  UID: 1152000004
  GID: 1152000004
  Account disabled: False
  Preserved user: False
  Member of groups: ipausers
  ipantsecurityidentifier: S-1-5-21-4293870940-1827731141-612974734-1004
  ipauniqueid: 6d832300-09e7-11ef-94ea-525400088c21
  krbextradata: AALQ4jVmcm9vdC9hZG1pbkBLSUZBUlVOSVguQ09NAA==
  krblastpwdchange: 20240504072504Z
  mepmanagedentry: cn=bsmith,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=kifarunix,dc=com
  objectclass: top, person, organizationalperson, inetorgperson, inetuser, posixaccount, krbprincipalaux, krbticketpolicyaux, ipaobject, ipasshuser,
               ipaSshGroupOfPubKeys, mepOriginEntry, ipantuserattrs
Number of entries returned 3

To list specific user;

ipa user-find USERNAME

For example;

ipa user-find jdoe

Learn more on ipa user-find --help.

Modify FreeIPA User Accounts on Command Line

To change the attributes of the FreeIPA user account, use the ipa user-mod command.

For example, to change the shell for the user, simply run;

ipa user-mod USERNAME --shell=/bin/bash

Substitute USERNAME with the user's login ID.

See other options for changing user attributes, ipa user-mod --help.

To delete the user, use the ipa user-del command.

ipa user-del USERNAME

To remove a user from a specific group;

ipa group-remove-member GROUPNAME --users=USERNAME

To disable a user;

ipa user-disable USERNAME

Add FreeIPA User Accounts via Web Interface

To create, view or modify users and their attributes from FreeIPA server web interface, login to FreeIPA as an administrative user.

Once logged in, Under Identity > Users tab, you can see multiple user account management options.

managing users from web freeipa

As you can see from the Users tab, there are three types of the user account states;

  • Stage users are not allowed to authenticate. Some of the user account properties required for active users might not yet be set.
  • Active users are allowed to authenticate. All required user account properties must be set in this state.
  • Preserved users are former active users. They are considered inactive and cannot authenticate to IdM. 

To add a user account, click +Add button. This opens up a screen where you can set the user's username, the first and last names, passwords and other attributes.

add users web interface freeipa

Click Add to create the user account. You can click on other options like Add and Add another to add the user and proceed to add another, Add and Edit to add the edit the user attributes...

To edit FreeIPA user account attributes, click on the user's username.

edit freeipa user attributes

Scroll down the screen to see other user's attributes that can be modified. You can also set user roles, user groups from the same screen.

Be sure to hit Save when you have modified the user attributes.

You can also Delete, Enable or Disable user account.

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I am the Co-founder of, Linux and the whole FOSS enthusiast, Linux System Admin and a Blue Teamer who loves to share technological tips and hacks with others as a way of sharing knowledge as: "In vain have you acquired knowledge if you have not imparted it to others".

1 thought on “Add FreeIPA User Accounts via CLI or Web Interface”

  1. What if i have an csv file with usernames,first name last name, group and i want to upload this.
    how would i go about it.?


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