Install and Setup Pritunl VPN Server on Debian

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In this tutorial, you will learn how to install and setup Pritunl VPN server on Debian 10. Pritunl is an open source enterprise distributed OpenVPN, IPsec and WireGuard Server. It can provide a reliable interconnection between various virtual private cloud (VPC) networks such as AWS, GCP, Oracle Cloud. It is one of the most secure VPN server available and the only VPN server to offer up to five layers of authentication. Including a user certificate, six digit user pin, two-factor authenticator, single sign-on and mobile push authentication.

Installing Pritunl VPN Server on Debian

In this tutorial, we will be installing Pritunl on Debian 10 system.

Install Pritunl Repositories on Debian 10

Pritunl is not available on the default Debian repositories;

apt show pritunl
N: Unable to locate package pritunl
N: Unable to locate package pritunl
E: No packages found

Therefore, in order to install and setup Pritunl VPN server, you need to install the Debian repositories by running the command below;

sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pritunl.list << EOF
deb buster main

Install Pritunl repository signing key

Run the command below to install the Pritunl repository key.

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv 7568D9BB55FF9E5287D586017AE645C0CF8E292A

Run System Update

Update system package cache;

apt update

Install Setup Pritunl VPN Server on Debian 10

Now that the Pritunl repositories are installed, the Pritunl package should now be available for installation;

apt-cache policy pritunl
  Installed: (none)
  Candidate: 1.29.2664.67-0debian1~buster
  Version table:
     1.29.2664.67-0debian1~buster 500
        500 buster/main amd64 Packages

So you can simply install Pritunl VPN server on Debian 10 by running the command below;

apt install pritunl

Running Pritunl Service on Debian

Once the installation is done, you can start and enable Pritunl to run on system boot by executing the command below;

systemctl enable --now pritunl

To check the status;

systemctl status pritunl
● pritunl.service - Pritunl Daemon
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/pritunl.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Mon 2021-03-15 15:44:50 EDT; 55s ago
 Main PID: 4660 (pritunl)
    Tasks: 20 (limit: 2359)
   Memory: 107.9M
   CGroup: /system.slice/pritunl.service
           ├─4660 /usr/lib/pritunl/bin/python /usr/lib/pritunl/bin/pritunl start
           └─4680 pritunl-web

Mar 15 15:44:50 debian systemd[1]: Started Pritunl Daemon.
Mar 15 15:44:50 debian pritunl[4660]: /usr/lib/pritunl/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/OpenSSL/ CryptographyDeprecationWarning: Python 2 is no longer support
Mar 15 15:44:50 debian pritunl[4660]:   from cryptography import x509

Install MongoDB on Debian 10

Pritunl uses MongoDB as the database backend. Thus you need to install it.

Follow the link below to install MongoDB on Debian 10;

Install MongoDB on Debian 10

Setup Pritunl VPN Server on Debian 10

You can now access Pritunl server from your preferred web browser and finalize on the setup. Use the URL https://server-IP-or-resolvable-hostname.

Setup Pritunl Setup Key and Database URL

When you access the URL, you will be prompted to enter the setup key and MongoDB URL.

pritunl setup key

For the setup key, you can obtain it by running the command below;

pritunl setup-key

For the MongoDB URL, we will it with the default. Be sure to update the URL accordingly.

netstat -altnp | grep 27017
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      4158/mongod

Click Save to proceed.

Login to Pritunl Web Interface

When you click Save button above, you are redirected to Pritunl login in page;

pritunl sign in

You can obtain the default login credentials running the command below;

pritunl default-password
[undefined][2021-03-15 16:03:12,676][INFO] Getting default administrator password
Administrator default password:
  username: "pritunl"
  password: "9stjtiF3PUsy"

Enter the credentials and sign in.

Pritunl Initial Setup

Once you sign in, you are welcomed by initial setup screen. The only things we are going to change here, in this setup, is the username and the password and the VPN server IP. Click Save if you made the changes or simply choose to setup later;

initial setup

Pritunl Dashboard

pritunl dashboard

Users and Organizations

You need an organization, a user and server added to Pritunl in order for VPN connections to work.

Add Pritunl Organization and Users

Click on Users > Add Organization to create an organization.

add organization

Similarly, click Add User to add a user.

prituln user

Create Pritunl VPN Server

Add Server

Next, create Pritunl VPN server by clicking on the Servers tab > Add Server. Set your Server name, Port, DNS Server IP, Virtual networks. Click Advanced for advanced VPN settings.

pritunl servers
Add Routes

If you have other networks, you can add other routes.

Attach VPN Server to an Organization

Next, attach VPN Server to an Organization created above.

Once that is done, this is how the servers page should now look like;

pritunl vpn server attached

Running Pritunl VPN Server

You can now run Pritunl VPN server by clicking Start.

start pritunl vpn server

The VPN server is now running.

That marks the end of our tutorial on setting Pritunl VPN server. Follow the link below to learn how to connect to configure Pritunl VPN client system to connect to Pritunl VPN server.

Install Pritunl VPN client on Debian/Ubuntu


Installing Pritunl VPN Server

Other Tutorials

Setup IPSec VPN Server with Libreswan on CentOS 8

Connect to Cisco VPN Using PCF file on Ubuntu

Assign Static IP Addresses for OpenVPN Clients


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I am the Co-founder of, Linux and the whole FOSS enthusiast, Linux System Admin and a Blue Teamer who loves to share technological tips and hacks with others as a way of sharing knowledge as: "In vain have you acquired knowledge if you have not imparted it to others".

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