
Install ELK Stack on Debian 11

Welcome to our guide on how to install ELK Stack on Debian 11. ELK, currently known as Elastic Stack, is the acronym for open source projects

install zsh oh-my-zsh ubuntu

Install Zsh on Ubuntu 24.04

In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to install Zsh on Ubuntu 24.04. Zsh is a versatile UNIX shell with interactive login and

Install and Setup DVWA on Debian 10

Want to shape your skills on web application security? Well how about you play around with Damn Vulnerable Web Application? Follow through this guide to

install zeek on ubuntu 20.04

Install Zeek on Ubuntu 20.04

Follow through this tutorial to learn how to install Zeek on Ubuntu 20.04. Zeek, formerly Bro IDS, is the world’s leading passive open source network security