Linux Commands Cheat Sheet


To have a full grip on your device, it is important to have a reliable operating system.  Managing memory, storage or CPU is a task that a good quality OS will execute easily. When choosing the operating system that meets your needs, you must look at the characteristics and commands that are important to your type of work. Take a look at the following characteristics and decide if Linux is the OS for you.

What is Linux and Why you Should Use It?

According to Milos, an avid user of Linux and webmaster of RealSpyApps, Linux is software with an array of tools and functions, based on the Linux kernel. What makes Linux the ideal software for many is the fact that it’s open-source software. It will let you choose and set up preferable components, for example, if you are looking for graphics, you can make it the core component. 

Since the software is open-sourced, it will guarantee you more security. Not only that, but each Linux user must have an ID and a password, making it harder for malware to go through. These specifics make Linux much more secure than other software.

Linux Commands Cheat Sheet

General Commands

aliasShows all your aliases in a list, allowing you to shift and substitute commands.
set-xThis built-in command defines the values in the system.
\It annuls any aliases.
scriptThe script command records a terminal session and it is captured in the filename typescript.
~An alias referring to a home directory of a user.
resetThis command is used to reset and restart the terminal you’re currently working on. 
exitExit is used to close the current terminal/log out.
logoutSame as exit, it logs you out of the terminal. You can also use CTRL + D.
echoThe command will repeat all that you type after it.
historyHistory command will show you all the used commands, listed.

Combination Keys

CTRL + DThe command is used to exit and/or log out of the terminal.
CTRL + ZUsing this key, the user is able to pause the process and run a different one in the background.
CTRL + A / CTRL +EThese commands are used as navigation from start to end of the command line.
CTRL + KThe key is used to erase anything before the cursor.
CTRL + YThis command will paste the last thing erased.
CTRL + WIt is used to delete whole lines of the command line.
ScreenScreen command allows you to shift among different virtual terminals.
CTRL + NGo to the following virtual terminal.
CTRL + PGo to the previous virtual terminal.
CTRL + CThis command stops/breaks a current terminal process. 
CTRL + ALT + DELCTRL + ALT + DEL reboots or shuts down the process, It can be done without a logged-in user.

Text Commands

viText editor that uses the least possible resources.
emacsText editor that allows users to browse the internet or do other operations at the same time.
headPresents the first 10 lines of a document, if used without other options.
tailPresents the last 10 lines of a document, if used without other options.
lessPresents text and allows scrolling ahead and beyond.
moreSee one page at a time with this command.
catThe command merges/combines more files into one.
tacThe command merges/combines more files into one, but they will be combined starting from the last.
wcThe command brings back word count in a file.
styleIt is used to check readability, allowing tests to run on a file.
cmpThe use of the cmp command is to detect differences among the files.
diffThe diff command, however, determines the differences in texts in the files.
sdiffPresents file contents in two separate columns.


>The command is used to drop the information into a file. 
<The command is used to embed information in a text document. When used with more commands, it can gather information.
>>Adds data at the end of the document.
|It is used to make the output of one command become the input of a different command. 
TeeThe command drops the output to standard output.
&>Sends output to a distinct location in a  file.


manUses an online manual to present a brief of a program.
infoTells about a command more precisely.
whatisSpecifies a program in a single line.
aproposThe command browses the directory for strings.


md5sumThis command is used to verify file integrity and authenticity.
mkpassword-1 10Creates custom and random passwords containing 10 characters.

Remote administration

sshThe command connects remotely to a certain system. It can be used to securely read and transfer information.
scpThe command is used to duplicate a file from another computer.
sftpThe command secure ftp is used to safely relocate online.


Linux command cheats sheet comes in handy when you’re trying to be as efficient and possible. It saves a lot of time and provides you with an extended number of options. Linux provides its users’ security and reliability above all.


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Co-founder of, Linux Tips and Tutorials. Linux/Unix admin and author at

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