Install BackupPC

Install BackupPC on Debian 11

In this guide, we will learn how to install BackupPC on Debian 11. BackupPC is a free, high-performance enterprise-grade backup software suite with a web-based frontend that

Best Way to Choose Keywords for PPC

Best Way to Choose Keywords for PPC

Considering there are more than 32.5 million small businesses in the United States, it’s never been a better time to stand out from the crowd.

Install Mantis Bug Tracker on Debian 10

Welcome to our tutorial on how to installing Mantis Bug Tracker. Mantis Bug Tracker (MantisBT), is a popular free web-based bug tracking system. It is written

install apache guacamole

Configure Guacamole MySQL Database Authentication

In this tutorial, you will learn how to configure Guacamole MySQL database authentication. Guacamole supports various authentication mechanisms including database authentication via MySQL, PostgreSQL, or