Install Ubuntu 24.04 on VirtualBox

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This guide will take you through how to install Ubuntu 24.04 on VirtualBox. Ubuntu 24.04, code name Noble Numbat, is scheduled to be released on April 25, 2024. It will be the latest Long Term Support (LTS) version of Ubuntu. Noble Numbat will be expected to ship with a lot of improvements/features/bug fixes/security updates. If you want to test it out in in the meantime, then it is best if you install it in a virtualization tool such as VirtualBox.

Installing Ubuntu 24.04 on VirtualBox

Download Ubuntu 24.04 ISO

Navigate to Ubuntu CD/DVD images page and grab a daily build release version ISO file for your specific system arch.

We are using the amd version in this guide.

You can choose to download a minimal installation ISO file;

wget -P ~/Downloads/

Create New Virtual Machine

Next, launch VirtualBox manager and create a new Virtual Machine with your preferred settings such as networkingdisk sizesystem resources etc.

Name and Operating System of the VM

To begin with;

  • define the name of the virtual machine and the Operating system.
  • set the installation folder
  • Select the ISO image that will be used to install your Ubuntu 24.04 vm on VirtualBox.

Note that we will be using VirtualBox 7, which supports unattended guest VM installation. Unfortunately, Ubuntu 24.04 desktop doesn’t support unattended installation as of this writing. So let’s skip unattended guest installation.

Set the VM Hardware

Next, assign the VM required RAM and vCPUs.

VM Virtual Hard Disk

Create a Virtual hard disk for your Ubuntu 24.04 vm. Choose the disk size of your preference.

Virtual Machine Setup Summary

Go through the virtual machine setup summary and when you are happy with the configuration press Finish to create the virtual machine. Alternatively you can go back and modify the configuration.

Attach Network Interfaces to Ubuntu 24.04 VM

Open the virtual machines settings and navigate to the Network settings.

By default, first interface attached is NAT. This is required to give the VM Internet access.

Next, attach a host-only interface to allow you access the vm from the host!

You can create the networks from Network manager.

Install Ubuntu on VirtualBox

Click Ok after attaching network interfaces.

You can do more pre-install configs if you want! Otherwise, click Start to start the installation of Ubuntu 24.04 desktop on VirtualBox.

  • When the VM starts, select Try or Install Ubuntu from the grub menu!
  • Choose you installation language
  • Choose, Install Ubuntu otherwise, if you want to boot live without actiually writing changes to disk, just select Try Ubuntu.
  • Choose your keyboard layout
  • Connect to a network to help install extra packages required as well determine your timezone (we use wired connection here)
  • Application and Updates: Choose default installation with essential packages and utilities.
  • Type of installation: We will use LVM hence, let’s choose Erase disk and install Ubuntu and choose LVM (no disk encryption here for now, if you like, proceed!)
  • Ready to Install: Confirm that you want to write changes to the disk and install Ubuntu on VirtualBox.
  • Select your Timezone
  • Setup your account on Ubuntu 24.04 VM:
    • Your Name
    • Computer’s name
    • Your username
    • Password
    • Choose whether or not to disable need for password during login!
    • If you want, you can integrate with AD for authentication and authorization.
  • Choose your Theme
  • Install Ubuntu on VirtualBox

When installation is complete, restart the VM;

Press Enter to remove installation media when prompted.

Booting into Ubuntu 24.04 on VirtualBox

Once your VM reboots, login using the account details created.

Login interface

Go through initial setup and start using Ubuntu 24.04 on VirtualBox.

And that is it!

            .-/+oossssoo+/-.               kifarunix@noble-numbat 
        `:+ssssssssssssssssss+:`           ---------------------- 
      -+ssssssssssssssssssyyssss+-         OS: Ubuntu Noble Numbat (development branch) x86_64 
    .ossssssssssssssssssdMMMNysssso.       Host: VirtualBox 1.2 
   /ssssssssssshdmmNNmmyNMMMMhssssss/      Kernel: 6.6.0-14-generic 
  +ssssssssshmydMMMMMMMNddddyssssssss+     Uptime: 10 mins 
 /sssssssshNMMMyhhyyyyhmNMMMNhssssssss/    Packages: 1515 (dpkg), 10 (snap) 
.ssssssssdMMMNhsssssssssshNMMMdssssssss.   Shell: bash 5.2.21 
+sssshhhyNMMNyssssssssssssyNMMMysssssss+   Resolution: 1280x800 
ossyNMMMNyMMhsssssssssssssshmmmhssssssso   Terminal: /dev/pts/1 
ossyNMMMNyMMhsssssssssssssshmmmhssssssso   CPU: Intel i9-9900K (2) @ 3.599GHz 
+sssshhhyNMMNyssssssssssssyNMMMysssssss+   GPU: 00:02.0 VMware SVGA II Adapter 
.ssssssssdMMMNhsssssssssshNMMMdssssssss.   Memory: 788MiB / 3918MiB 

Your Ubuntu 24.04 is now installed on VirtualBox and ready for your use!

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Linux Certified Engineer, with a passion for open-source technology and a strong understanding of Linux systems. With experience in system administration, troubleshooting, and automation, I am skilled in maintaining and optimizing Linux infrastructure.

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