How to Install NSClient Nagios Monitoring Agent on Windows System

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Install NSClient Nagios Monitoring Agent on Windows System

In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to install NSClient Nagios monitoring agent on Windows systems. NSClient++ is a monitoring agent/daemon for Windows systems that makes it easier to collect performance metrics by Nagios.

Installing Nagios NSClient Agent on Windows System

Download NSClient Agent

Download the latest version of NSClient from here.

Install and Configure NSClient++ Nagios Agent on Windows System

Once the download is done, run the binary installer as an administrator to install the application.

Install NSClient Nagios Monitoring Agent on Windows System

Once the installation launches, accept the default options until where you are prompted to choose the setup type.

NSClient inst type 1

Select the Typical installation setup type and click Next. This takes you to agent configuration window as shown in the screenshot below;

nclient default configs

Edit the default configurations shown above as follows;

  • Under Allowed hosts: replace the loopback-v6 address, ::1, with the IP of the Nagios Server. (In case of AlienVault, enter the IP of the Sensor)
  • Under the Password: delete the existing string and set a Strong Password for use for communication between the Server and the Client.NOTE: The Password has to be same for a group of hosts.
  • Under “Modules to load:
    • Check “Enable common check plugins” and “Enable nsclient server (check_nt)
    • Uncheck the “Enable NRPE Server (check_nrpe)
Install NSClient Nagios Monitoring Agent on Windows System

Click Next and then Install button to launch the installation.

Once the Installation is complete, click finish button to run the client.

Note that the NSClient service (nscp) will automatically run after installation.

It will also set a firewall rule to allow it access.

Also note that nscp service listens on port 12489.

Enable System Service and Disk Space Checks

Open the NSClient configuration file, C:\Program Files\NSClient++\nsclient.ini, with file editor such as Notepad and enable Disk space as well as System check that are disabled by default. See the highlighted lines below.

# If you want to fill this file with all available options run the following command:
# nscp settings --generate --add-defaults --load-all
# If you want to activate a module and bring in all its options use:
# nscp settings --activate-module <MODULE NAME> --add-defaults
# For details run: nscp settings --help


; Undocumented key

; Undocumented key
allowed hosts =,


; Undocumented key
CheckExternalScripts = disabled

; Undocumented key
CheckHelpers = disabled

; Undocumented key
CheckEventLog = disabled

; Undocumented key
CheckNSCP = disabled

; Undocumented key
CheckDisk = enabled

; Undocumented key
CheckSystem = enabled

; Undocumented key
NSClientServer = enabled

Restart NSClient Service

Once the changes are made, save the file and restart the NSClient service (nscp).

nclient restart service 1

You can also use powershell to restart the service.

net stop nscp
net start nscp

The installation and configuration of the NSClient is now complete. You can test from the server that the services are actually being monitored.

For example to test for cpu load from Nagios server;

/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nt -H -p 12489 -s STRONGPASSWORD -v CPULOAD -l 5,80,90
CPU Load 0% (5 min average) | '5 min avg Load'=0%;80;90;0;100

Other Tutorials

Install Nagios Server on Oracle Linux 9

Install Nagios NRPE Agents on Ubuntu 22.04/Ubuntu 20.04


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I am the Co-founder of, Linux and the whole FOSS enthusiast, Linux System Admin and a Blue Teamer who loves to share technological tips and hacks with others as a way of sharing knowledge as: "In vain have you acquired knowledge if you have not imparted it to others".

5 thoughts on “How to Install NSClient Nagios Monitoring Agent on Windows System”

  1. No I was following your documentation how to install NSClient nagios monitoring agent on Windows system and I arrived at this step (capture 1) but when I access the terminal of my machine nagios qd I entered the command of the capture 1 bein its not working, when I enter this command / usr / lib / nagios / plugins he tells me it’s an ok folder (capture2) but as soon as I add the continuation / check_nt -H … it displays no file or folder of this type (capture3) mrc pr your answer


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